This section contains frequently asked questions, with answers, that are received by the Fund Office from Employers or Laborers (or their beneficiaries and dependents).
Please be aware that the answers provided in this section are only convenient summaries of the major provisions of an applicable benefit plan or the administration of benefits by the Fund Office. The answers do not contain all the applicable exclusions or limitations of any benefit coverage in question. These general answers cannot adequately reflect all of the details of an applicable plan or address the specifics of an eligible participant’s or beneficiary’s situation.
The answers provided in this section are not to be construed or accepted as a substitute for the provisions of the applicable Trust Funds benefit plan’s Rules and Regulations (as amended) or each Health Maintenance Organization’s (HMO) contract with the Trust Funds. This information may be amended, at any time, by official announcements or change notices from the Board of Trustees (mailed to eligible participants).
If you have any questions concerning: (1) the applicability of a question or answer to your particular situation, or (2) your eligibility to participate in the benefit plans, or (3) your benefits in general, please contact the Fund Office. Our staff will be happy to assist you.